Manage your calls and voicemail

Astound voicemail
Astound voicemail service has all the features you need to take control of your home voicemail service like never before so you don’t miss an important call or message.
In this article you will find steps and resources to get you started with your new voicemail.
Getting Started
Set up your voicemail
Your new Astound voicemail service has all the features and conveniences you need in order to manage your home phone and get your messages from anywhere.

Manage your home phone from anywhere
With the phone app you can see who called, manage your preferences, and receive notifications from any of your devices so you get what you want, when you need it, from anywhere.
Manage Astound voicemail service from home, office, or while on the go.

Block unwanted calls
Nomorobo is a feature that blocks calls from robo-callers and telemarketers. Essentially, the app uses a list of phone numbers from the FCC Do Not Call list to block suspected calls.
It’s easy to set up and simple to use because Nomorobo does the hard work for you.
How to activate Nomorobo
- Go to the Nomorobo website and follow Astound’s easy directions to sign up
- Then contact Astound Customer Care at 1-800-746-4726 and request that Nomorobo be added to your Astound phone number(s) and the SimRing feature
- Once Astound completes the set up, you can use Nomorobo and SimRing as desired by dialing *41 to activate and *42 to deactivate

Take your home phone calls wherever you go
The Simultaneous Ring feature (SimRing) puts incoming calls through to your cell phone or work phone once its activated, so that you can take calls on whichever line you choose, wherever you’re traveling.
Astound voicemail service includes features and conveniences you need to make your phone system work for you.*
Here's how
- From the Call Manager screen choose Phone Status
- Enter the forwarding phone number into the box titled Destination
- After that, select Yes to permit call forwarding
- Lastly, click the Add button to complete your activation
*Please note that not all phone features are available in all areas.
Quick links
Looking for something else?
Check out the Support Center for all billing help and support-related information.
While we have made every attempt to ensure that the information contained in this site has been obtained from reliable sources, Astound Broadband is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. All information in this site is provided “as is”, with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy, timeliness and without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to warranties of performance, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Certain links in this site connect to other websites maintained by third parties over whom Astound Broadband has no control. Astound Broadband makes no representations as to the accuracy or any other aspect of information contained in other websites.
Not all services, speeds, packages, equipment, channels, tiers, pricing, streaming services, product offerings and product features are available in all areas. Offers valid only for new residential customers or previous customers with account in good standing who have not had our service within the last 60 days. All names, logos, images and service marks are property of their respective owners. Other restrictions may apply.
Not all phone services are available in all areas. Calls to international countries will be rated on a per-minute basis. Astound does not provide Caller ID equipment. Additional charges apply to new or moved phone jacks and may apply to additional cable jacks as well as custom or non-standard installation work. Other restrictions may apply.