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It looks like Astound service may be available at your address. Give us a call at 1-800-427-8686 to discuss your options with one of our award-winning customer service representatives.
It looks like FastMesh service may be available at your address. Give us a call at 206-317-4336 (WA) or 503-893-8638 (OR) to discuss your options with one of our award-winning customer service representatives.
It looks like Astound Broadband isn't available in your area yet. If you have further questions, give our award-winning customer service representatives a call at 1-800-427-8686.
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Astound is on the way to your neighborhood! Call our award-winning customer service representatives at 1.833.249.27861.800.427.86861.800.427.86861.800.427.8686 to find out when we can get you connected with astounding internet services.
It looks like we've already got an order for Astound at this address. If you need to cancel, make changes, or ask any questions, call one of our real, human, award-winning customer service representatives at 1.833.249.27861.800.427.86861.800.427.86861.800.427.8686.
Astound Business Services are available at your address. Get ready to experience faster, easier, more reliable service than you ever thought possible—please call 1-833-249-2786 to get connected.
You're almost ready to go, but we need a few more details. Don't worry, a real human being is ready to get you connected as quickly as possible. Give us a call at 1.833.249.27861.800.427.86861.800.427.86861.800.427.8686 to finish your order.
We've got a couple things to clear up to get you connected to Astound. Give us a call at 1.833.249.27861.800.427.86861.800.427.86861.800.427.8686 so one of our award-winning, U.S-based service representatives can look into this a little more.
We were unable to locate your address in our system. Please check your address and try again. If you would prefer to speak to us by phone, call 1.833.249.27861.800.427.86861.800.427.86861.800.427.8686 to speak to an Astound Business representative.
Common general issues regarding mobile data connectivity may be network related because of the following issues:
1. Out of the coverage area
Some smaller towns, rural areas, and some parts of cities might not have network connectivity for data transfer (download and upload). Please review the coverage map to check cover.
2. In an area with limited coverage
Depending on where you are when you’re using your mobile device, sometimes obstructions such as buildings, terrain, and limited network coverage may be the primary cause. Please review the coverage map to check coverage.
3. High traffic congestion
Occasionally there may be times when there is heavy data usage across the network in high density areas or during large events which may have an impact on data speeds and connectivity. This issue will generally correct itself.
Network outages
Network outages are caused by a wide range of factors including weather, natural disasters, technical failures and vendor partner related issues. Please visit our website or contact us for updates.
Airplane mode
If your phone isn’t connecting to your cellular network or WiFi, there’s a good chance Airplane Mode is enabled. Airplane Mode prevents your phone from connecting to any kind of network. It’s also in the quick settings panel of most devices, so it’s easy to toggle for travelers.
If Airplane Mode is enabled, turning it off should fix your cellular data. In your phone settings, please ensure that the toggle button is turned off when not traveling by air.
Restart your phone
Most data connectivity issues (and many other software issues on the phone) can be resolved with a simple restart. To restart your phone, long-press the power button then hit on Restart.
Enable data roaming
Data roaming is when your phone leaves your primary carrier’s network and connects to a different one so you don’t lose service. No network covers the entire nation, and in this regard the big three national carriers (AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile) formed roaming agreements that allow their customers to use each other’s networks.
Data roaming is usually enabled on your device automatically because it’s a free service from most carriers. However, if roaming is turned off, your phone won’t connect to cellular data if you lose signal to your carrier’s network. Check the cellular options in your settings to make sure it’s turned on.
Reset your network settings
Resetting your network settings should be one of the last steps you try because it disconnects you from all networks and erases your connection history.
After it’s complete, your mobile device will connect to the cellular network automatically, but all WiFi networks, Bluetooth pairings, and VPN information will be erased.
Customer care
If mobile data is not working on your iPhone or Android phone, then it could be a problem with your network or your device and you have tried troubleshooting the steps above please contact us at 1.800.427.8686.
Your Astound Mobile data usage is securely tracked each month and is driven by how often you use your phone to make calls or access the Internet. Your data usage is continually updated, so you know how much you’re using throughout the month.
You can see your data usage on your Astound Mobile online account or through the Astound Mobile app. Select the “Activity” tab to view your data usage details.
If you use up the data allotment included with your plan, you will need to purchase additional GB of data. The cost will vary depending on which plan you have selected. You can make a purchase of additional data through AstoundMobile.com or the Astound Mobile app.
An Access Point Name (APN) is the information your phone reads to make a secure connection to the gateway between your mobile network and the internet...
This website contains instructional information, including from third-party sources, and is intended, but cannot be guaranteed, to be always up-to-date, complete and accurate. Astound does not endorse, and is not responsible for, any third-party content that may be accessed through this website. Any representation or warranty by Astound that might be otherwise implied by information on this website is expressly disclaimed. Astound expressly disclaims all liability or responsibility with respect to actions taken or not taken based on any or all of the instructional information contained on this website. Astound does not warrant or guarantee the availability of any services at any specific time or geographic location or that services will be provided without interruption. Not all aspects of the Astound services function on all equipment and devices. Use of this website is subject to the Web Site Disclaimer and Web Content Accessibility Policy.