10DLC Registration
Fill out the registration form below for your business to comply with new industry requirements for SMS text messaging.
Sanctioned SMS Registration
Included on this page are 2 things: 1) an overview of new rules that went into effect on February 1, 2025 from the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA) and 2) the form Astound’s business customers are required to fill out to comply with the CTIA’s 10DLC rules.
What is 10DLC?
10DLC stands for 10-digit Long Code. 10DLC text messaging lets businesses send sanctioned SMS messages to consumers using local phone numbers, also known as “long codes.”
What has changed?
In an effort to reduce unwanted “robotexts,” the mobile carriers comprising CTIA have done two things:
(a) CTIA now defines all SMS messages being sent by a business to a consumer to be “A2P” (application-to-person) messages, regardless of the technological platform being used to send those messages.
(b) CTIA is requiring all businesses that want to send “A2P” text messages (i.e., SMS messages to consumers) using 10DLC phone numbers to register the 10DLC phone numbers from which they will be sending those “A2P” text messages with a CTIA-approved registration database.
Pursuant to CTIA’s new rules, wireless networks may block any or all “A2P” (application-to-person) (i.e., business-to-consumer) SMS messages sent from 10DLC phone numbers that are not so registered.
How does this affect me?
All Astound’s business customers that wish to use Astound services to send SMS text messages to their consumers utilizing 10DLC phone numbers must, with immediate effect, follow the 10DLC registration process. “A2P” (application-to-person) (i.e. business-to-consumer) text messages sent by Astound’s business customers to consumers using a 10DLC number that has not been registered with a CTIA-approved database will be blocked. For more detailed information about the CTIA requirements, see the full CTIA Guidelines (PDF).
Registration Requirements
To register, complete the registration form in the Astound 10DLC webpage. You will be required to provide:
- Your business’s federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). The business name associated with your EIN/TIN (in the IRS database) must exactly match the business name you submit in this form.
- Company Information. This includes the owner’s name, the legal business name (must match name used on the EIN/TIN), brand name (doing business as), business industry and business address.
- Details about how you obtain your customers’ Opt-In/ user consent to send text messages (verbal, email, online form, etc.).
- The text of the Opt-In, Opt-Out and Help messages you will use with your customers that receive A2P text messages from you.
- Links to your (i) 10DLC-compliant privacy policy as posted on your business’s website, and (ii) terms and conditions applicable to SMS messages sent to your customers (see details in CTIA Guidelines).
Note: Per the CTIA Guidelines, each 10DLC database registrant must have a business website with a link to its privacy policy. Your privacy policy should clearly describe how you will collect and use and (if applicable) share your consumer customers’ data, and how your consumer customers can contact you, and in general must comply with all privacy laws and regulations applicable to your business. (The CTIA Guidelines specifically require your privacy policy and/or your terms and conditions for SMS messaging to your customers to identify your brand name and provide contact information your customers can use for “HELP” (e.g., phone numbers and/or email addresses), and to explain (i) how you manage opt-in/opt-out for SMS messaging, (ii) the types and purposes of messages you may send; (iii) the frequency of the SMS messages you may send; (iv) how to opt out from (STOP) receiving SMS messages from you; and (v) that message and data rates may apply to SMS messages your customers send to or receive from you.)
Each Astound business customer is solely responsible for developing, establishing, and enforcing its own privacy policy based on the advice of its own legal advisor, the foregoing summary of the requirements should not be construed as or relied upon as legal or any form of advice from Astound. Businesses must also log and track consumer consent, and Opt-ins and Opt-outs. In certain cases, wireless carriers may request proof that an individual has opted in, including an overview of how a business’s Opt-in/ Opt-out process works. Failure to ensure proper Opt-in may result in your number or service being blocked or suspended by mobile carriers or Astound.
Frequently asked questions
Opt-in/ user consent
Before sending an SMS message to any consumer’s number, businesses must have each recipient’s express consent to do so. The CTIA Guidelines contain additional information about the CTIA requirements for obtaining user consent to receive texts from business senders. For reference only, below are examples of language you may consider for use in collecting Opt-ins from your customers that receive A2P text messages from you:
Opt-in/user consent message (provided verbally):
This is [COMPANY NAME]. Is it OK if we send you text messages? If you no longer wish to receive text messages from us, please contact us at [TELEPHONE NUMBER].
Opt-in/user consent message (sent by text message):
You agree to receive informational messages (appointment reminders, account notifications, etc.) from [COMPANY NAME]. Message frequency varies. Message and data rates may apply. For help, reply HELP, or email us at [EMAIL ADDRESS]. You can opt out at any time by replying STOP.
Opt-in/Opt-out acknowledgments
For reference only, below are examples of language for use in text messages to acknowledge (respectively) a customer opting into or out of your A2P text messages.
Opt-in acknowledgment:
Thank you for opting in to receive recurring messages from [COMPANY NAME]. Message frequency varies. Message & data rates may apply. Reply HELP for help. Reply STOP to cancel.
Opt-out acknowledgment:
You have successfully opted out of messages from [COMPANY NAME]. You will receive no further messages except those we are otherwise permitted by law to send to you.
Help Message
Additional messaging to your customers that receive A2P text messages from you.
For reference only, an example of a “Help” message that you may wish to send to your customers to whom you use Astound’s services to send A2P text messages is provided below.
Thank you for contacting [COMPANY NAME]. Please call us at [TELEPHONE NUMBER] or email us at [EMAIL] for support. Reply STOP to opt-out.
Call to Action Description
Additional information required for your 10DLC registration. Per the CTIA Guidelines, Astound is required to collect from you (and to provide to the CTIA with your 10DLC registration) an explanation of how you intend to collect Opt-ins and Opt-outs from your customers to whom you use Astound’s services to send A2P text messages. The explanation must accurately reflect how you carry out this function. For reference only, the example below summarizes how a hypothetical Astound customer might use our services to collect verbal Opt-in from its customers. Please note that the CTIA will not process Astound’s submission of your information on your behalf if this information is not included in the submission, and that your failure to provide this information may lead to a delay in, or CTIA’s rejection of, your registration.
[COMPANY NAME] will collect opt-in verbally from our customers. Customers will be able to opt in to receive conversational messages either in person at their physical location, or over a phone call if the customer calls [COMPANY NAME]. When customers are registered for the first time, they will be asked to provide their phone number, and our staff is trained to ask if they would like to opt in to SMS-based notifications. They will be verbally informed that “Message and data rates may apply”, “Message frequency may vary”, and that they can “text HELP for support or more information and STOP to unsubscribe at any time”. They will also be informed that their phone number will not be shared with third parties for marketing or promotional purposes. Privacy Policy can be found at [privacy policy url]. Terms and Conditions can be found at [Terms and Conditions url].
Prohibited campaigns
While SMS provides a great way to engage opted-in customers, there are limitations and restrictions on types of message that may be sent, and the content of the messages. The following campaigns (use cases) are strictly prohibited across all of Astound’s SMS solutions:
- Loan and mortgage advertisements
- Credit repair offers
- Debt relief offers
- Debt collection attempts
- Work from home advertisements
- Secret shopper advertisements
- Political advertisements and messages
- Alcohol, tobacco, or firearms advertisements
- Gambling
- Pharmaceutical, vitamin, or other drug advertisements
- Campaigns that appear to Astound to be similar to any of the above
Astound cannot make exceptions to these prohibited campaigns. Messages similar in nature to prohibited messages may also be blocked by Astound or wireless carriers, at their discretion.
Carrier fees and account restrictions; No legal advice
Accounts in violation of Astound and/or carrier rules and regulations and/or the CTIA Guidelines may be subject to reduced deliverability of messages, additional campaign registration requirements and fees, suspension of service, or termination of service in addition to fines and other penalties passed through Astound by the carriers.
It is each Astound business customer’s responsibility to be aware of any additional restrictions or changes to the CTIA Guidelines and any policies, regulations, and laws applicable to sending SMS messages to their customers, and to comply with any and all privacy and other relevant laws, regulations, and policies applicable to sending SMS messages. You are encouraged to obtain the advice of legal counsel if you have any questions about measures appropriate to ensure your compliance with these requirements, including any requirements set forth in the CTIA Guidelines. By using Astound services to send A2P text messages to your customers, you acknowledge that you, and not Astound, are solely responsible for compliance with the CTIA Guidelines and with all privacy and other relevant laws and regulations applicable to customer opt-in, customer opt-out, and otherwise with respect to the privacy rights of your customers to whom you send A2P text messages. You further acknowledge and agree that (i) the examples above for communications with your customers who receive your A2P text messages are provided for reference only and without recommendation or endorsement by or liability for Astound; and that (ii) Astound strongly encourages you to obtain legal advice from counsel of your own choosing on this subject, and neither the example language above nor any other communication from Astound is provided as or should be understood or relied upon as legal advice.
For more information on the requirements and guidelines of SMS text messaging, please refer to the CTIA’s Messaging Best Practices, at: https://www.ctia.org/the-wireless-industry/industry-commitments/messaging-interoperability-sms-mms
Register your business for 10DLC messaging
by filling out the form:
Note: Once submitted, your application will be processed and reviewed by The Campaign Registry. Approval can take 5 to 20 business days from the date of submission. You are solely responsible for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of all information you provide to Astound for the purpose of completing your submission to The Campaign Registry. Astound is not liable or responsible to you for any delays in the processing of your submission to The Campaign Registry that result from inaccurate, incomplete, or non-compliant information you have provided to Astound.
All fields are required unless indicated as optional.
Not all services, speeds and product features are available in all areas. Taxes & fees apply to all services and are subject to change. All services a governed by Astound Business Solutions Terms and Conditions. Other restrictions may apply. Customer consents to texts, emails & calls by Astound for purposes relating to customer’s account.
All names, logos, images and service marks are property of their respective owners. ©2025 Astound Business Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved.